

12124 Ranch Road 620 N Austin, TX 78750

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Steiner Ranch

4310 North Quinlan Park Rd., Austin, TX 78732

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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1303 Leander Drive Leander, TX 78641

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones


We are Family

Eric Creekmore

March 21, 2021

In Genesis 10, God wants us to see that we all come from the same family of Noah. Is this a new thought for you? Keeping this in mind, we can view our family tree from a fresh and broader perspective.   


A New Beginning

Steve Mielke

March 14, 2021

What do you do when you see the brokenness of the world around you? And even the brokenness in your own life and relationships? We can trust God to pave a different and better way for us when we walk with Him for guidance and direction.


Can it Get too Bad?

Tim Hawks

March 7, 2021

As we see in Genesis, Noah was obedient to God’s Word, walking faithfully with Him. Think about your own life. Do you walk with God, clinging to His promises even as you experience the hardships of your calling to follow Jesus in a sinful world?


Living Down or Up

Tim Hawks

February 28, 2021

Is your life about living life the way you want or walking with God? As we see in Genesis, sin was introduced into the world. And the only way to break the cycle of sin is to walk consistently and faithfully with God.    



Sin and Civilization

Tim Hawks

February 21, 2021

What do you notice about the progress of civilization, such as technology and education, and the deterioration of humanity? Do you think these advancements have changed the propensity of humans to sin against each other? As we’re reminded in Genesis, regular, public worship is necessary to both help maintain our relationship with God and to make sure we’re living according to His ways.


What's Wrong with the World?

Tim Hawks

February 14, 2021

As we see in Genesis, the sin of Adam and Eve had significant consequences for the world. While sin entered the world at that time and we all make our own messes today, the good news is that we always have God’s Word for direction and guidance. And when we stray from God’s Word, all we have to do is turn back to Him to experience renewed hope even in the midst of chaos.      


Do I Have What it Takes?

Tim Hawks

February 7, 2021

Do you believe that God has provided all that you need to live according to His purpose? As we see in Genesis, God created everything for a purpose and with a plan. And when we focus more on Him and less on cultural views and norms, we see that He gives us ways to successfully live for His purpose.  


Constructed or Accepted?

Tim Hawks

January 31, 2021

Do you ever struggle to understand your true identity or purpose? While these can be common questions for many of us, if we turn to God’s Word, we’ll find the answers. As we see in Genesis, we’re created in God’s image and we’re called to represent Him in the world.   


From Chaos to Cosmos

Tim Hawks

January 24, 2021

Do you have a healthy balance of productivity in life and communion with God? This is so important that God’s Word actually provides guidance on how to strike a rhythm of managing our daily life and taking time to connect with Him. Isn’t it reassuring to know that the creator of the universe wants dedicated and uninterrupted time with us?     


The Origin of Meaning

Tim Hawks

January 17, 2021

Do you ever struggle with questions of your meaning and purpose in life? Perhaps you sometimes find yourself simply going through the motions or even feeling like you’re living in chaos. As we see in Genesis 1:1, God is the originator or everything and His word creates meaning from chaos.   


Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.