Community Impact
The Community Impact Ministry equips and sends the people of Hill Country Bible Church to bless our community and saturate Greater Austin with the love of Jesus. As individuals grow in their walk with God, we develop and empower them to help lead our movement of changed lives that impacts Greater Austin for Christ.
Together, We make a difference.
God calls each of us, together, to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community, providing for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and intentionally communicating the love of Jesus to one another. Living out Jesus' love in action opens hearts and minds to the good news of Jesus and energizes our movement of changed lives impacting Greater Austin for Christ. We are excited to share two new equipping classes we will be hosting the last two Friday's of this month and desire all who lead and serve to join in each session:
Having Hard Truth Conversations with Humility, Compassion and Grace
Speakers: Cindy Hawks and Staci Reichmanis
Church & Nonprofit Ministry Partnership: Connecting in new ways to improve community impact
Speaker: Matt Peacock (Partners in Hope)
Please enter through the Family Entrance.
Join us for the 89th Texas Legislative LIVE! Class
Facilitated by:Francine Erickson, HCBC Community Impact Advocate for Kingdom Values and Cush and Donna Chatham, Former HCBC Members, Former Texas Lobbyist
Learn about the Texas Legislative Process- Where does the idea for a bill come from and the bill submitted? How does the House and Senate really work? How do bills pass or fail in each of these chambers? How does the House and Senate reconcile the differences in their bills? What role does the Lt Gov, Speaker and Governor play in the bill’s passage or failure? What roles do advocates and lobbyist play in bill passage/failure?How Can YOU, as an individual citizen, make a difference in the legislative process? Practical ways YOU CAN make a difference in the passage or failure in a bill. Watch in REAL TIME as bills go through (or fail) the legislative process and get “insider knowledge” as to what is REALLY happening to the bill. PLUS So Much More!
Join Us for our 3rd annual North Austin Mobile Food Pack on February 20th - 22nd!
This year we are setting our biggest goal yet and need your help to reach it! We are hoping to pack 420,000 meals to feed 1,900 kids for a year! That means we need to raise $122,000 and to rally 2000 volunteers to make this possible. Grab a friend, co-worker, small group and/or family member (children under the age of 5 are not allowed in a packing area) and pack in one of our 2 hour shifts! Don't forget to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to our local food bank.
Any questions, reach out via email to [email protected].
Sign up to Serve or Donate Here!
Ongoing Serving Opportunities
- Care Collection Drive for Faith Home Restoration. Organize a care collection for monthly items that are needed for each house.
- Become a client advocate or intercessor at a local PRC (Pregnancy Resource Center). Training is available to learn how to walk along side and care for clients. Email Agape Women's Clinic here.
- Teach English, trade skill, or serve a meal to students at River City Hope Street. Everyone deserves the opportunity to have a structured, faith based, meaningful educational experience.
- Support a new Foster/Adopt family to help them as they welcome a new child into their home.
- Volunteer to help someone in the community with home clean-up or minor repairs. Partners in Hope have some upcoming workdays. All ages and skill levels are appreciated.
Not sure where to serve?
If you are still determining your next step in where you can serve, check out our Partnerships in the four strategic areas of outreach in our community: Education, Poverty, Civic Engagement or LIfeWork. Contact us at Community Impact and we will be happy to help you!
Discover Hill Country is a perfect place to start. The classes we hold each month will help you learn more about the unique gifts and abilities God has placed in you. You will also find current opportunities to begin making a difference in the world around you.