Disciple Makers Learning Community
Building a Disciple Making Culture in Our Church
Making disciples – leading people to faith in Jesus and helping them grow to become Fully Formed Followers of Jesus – is the core priority Jesus set for his followers. Disciple making must dominate the church agenda through all of our ministries.
If you are currently making disciples, have been discipled, or are currently being discipled and plan to begin discipling others soon, this Learning Community will “supercharge” your discipling vision and skills!
Make Disciples
Making disciples – leading people to faith in Jesus and helping them grow to become Fully Formed Followers of Jesus – is the core priority Jesus set for his followers. Disciple making must dominate the church agenda through all of our ministries.
The apostle Paul put it this way: “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you…” Galatians 4:19. Paul “labored,” which is to say, “he worked hard” to see Jesus formed in others. That’s what it means to be a disciple – to have Jesus formed in our lives. Here’s a simple definition of a disciple:
Fully Formed Followers of Jesus understand what Christ has done for them (Grace), who they are in Christ (Identity), and have set their hearts to pattern their lives after Christ’s until they look and live like Jesus (Life Patterns).
Regardless of the career you’ve chosen, your calling is bigger! Your purpose is to be a part of God’s plan for reaching the world for Christ. The Great Commission of Jesus Christ is to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19-20)
To this end, the Disciple Maker’s Learning Community will focus on three goals:
· Provide a Biblical definition and framework for making disciples.
· Elevate the importance of a relational approach to disciple making.
· Offer proven practices and strategies for making disciples.
If your heart is to multiply disciples that go on to make disciples, this learning community will help you become a key factor in fulfilling our vision of catalyzing a “movement of changed lives that impacts greater Austin and beyond for Christ.”
DiscipleMakers Learning Community on Demand
This course is available for viewing on demand. The teaching handouts are attached to the videos for each week. The course utilizes the book "God Space" by Doug Pollock. Limited copies are available for purchase. Please contact Laurie Carlson at [email protected] to request a copy.
For further questions please contact the Saturate Austin Institute Office at this link.