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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones
God of Light and Love
May 17, 2020
If you were to be face to face with Jesus, how do you think you would describe Him? This week in our Whats After ATX series, we will be reading about and listening to a number of people’s description of what it’s like to be in the presence of God, and what we have to look forward to in heaven.
Relationships Last Forever
May 10, 2020
As we continue our series What’s After ATX, we look at the importance of our relationships here on earth. What will it be like to see our loved ones in heaven? What do we need to change while we are still here?
Evidence for the Afterlife
May 3, 2020
What happens when we die? In our new series “What’s After ATX” we will look at scientific studies done about people who have had near death experiences, being resuscitated after being pronounced clinically dead. What does God have prepared for us in the afterlife?
The Perfect Storm
April 26, 2020
What in your life right now feels like the perfect storm? During our time dealing with COVID-19, it’s important to remember who God is. Even when we lose control in what seems to be the perfect storm of events, we can rest knowing that God is the one walking beside us through it all.
Back to Normal?
April 19, 2020
In our sixth week of being separated due to COVID-19, some of us are just praying for everything to go back to normal. But is normal what we should be wanting? What can God do with people willing to live outside what they are used to?
Living Hope
April 12, 2020
This year we are celebrating Easter separately in our homes because of COVID-19, but this isn’t so different from the disciples fearful first Easter. What does it look like to put our faith in Jesus, and how can we find a complete renewal through Him?
When Jesus Comes
April 5, 2020
Even during our time dealing with the coronavirus, we still want to set time aside to prepare for Easter. What is it that we want Jesus to change during this time? Are we seeing the things He is wanting to change in us?
Confidence in Crisis
March 29, 2020
In the midst of fear and uncertainty due to the coronavirus, how can we find confidence? Where is our firm footing when we are caught between taking care of our needs and staying healthy? This week, Pastor Tim talks about how we can find balance through our faith in God.
Children of God
March 22, 2020
As we move forward in our Live Free sermon series, we will look at the Galatians 4. Because of Jesus, we can relate to God as a Father and not a master. As a child and heir in God’s family, we have a God — a Father— who loves us regardless of our behavior or performance.
Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.