

12124 Ranch Road 620 N Austin, TX 78750

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9:00AM & 10:45AM

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4310 North Quinlan Park Rd., Austin, TX 78732

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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1303 Leander Drive Leander, TX 78641

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Disciple Makers

Why Make Disciples?

There’s a lot to do in life and we have a lot of responsibilities, so how can we be sure that we don’t miss the most important things?  Imagine sitting down with Jesus and asking, “Jesus, what should be the primary focus of my life?”  Jesus would say something like, “Out of your love for God and your neighbor, I want you to go and make disciples.” He said this to his disciples and, by extension, to you and me:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Regardless of the career you’ve chosen, your calling is bigger! Your purpose is to be a part of God’s plan for reaching the world for Christ. The Great Commission of Jesus Christ is to MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL THE NATIONS.

What is a Disciple?  A Fully Formed Follower of Christ

The apostle Paul put it this way: “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you…” Galatians 4:19Paul “labored,” which is to say, “he worked hard” to see Jesus formed in others. That’s what it means to be a disciple – to have Jesus formed in our lives.  Here’s a simple definition:

Fully Formed Followers of Jesus understand what Christ has done for them (Grace), who they are in Christ (Identity), and have set their hearts to pattern their lives after Christ’s until they look and live like Jesus (Life Patterns).

What characteristics are we working hard to form in others? There are many indicators, but after reflecting on the words of Scripture and their own lives, the pastors and elders at Hill Country Bible Church concluded there are four basic identities with corresponding life patterns that encompass the core characteristics of a follower of Jesus.

  • Worshiper: Disciples grow in their devotion to God and away from devotion to anything else.
  • Witness: Disciples faithfully share the good news of Jesus with others and see people come to faith in Christ.
  • Servant: Disciples know how God has gifted them and they use their gifts to serve
  • Disciple Maker: Disciples understand their primary ministry calling and disciple others to become fully formed followers of Jesus.

The Disciple Maker's Guide is available here.

This Guide is designed to help you in three areas:

  1. Provide a Biblical definition and framework for making disciples as Jesus did.
  2. Elevate the importance of a relational approach to disciple making.
  3. Offer proven practices and strategies for making disciples.



Personal Devotional

Seven Minutes with God: Download

Tyranny of the Urgent: Download

Basic Bible Reading and Prayer

Can You Have a Devotional in 5 Minutes? Watch

How Can I Improve My Prayer Life? Watch

How Do You Pray Without Ceasing? Watch

How to Spend Extended Time in Prayer: Download PDF

Half Day of Prayer with God: Download PDF

Explore the Bible Project: Bible Project YouTube Channel

Methods and Approaches

Foundations Study (CRU): Learn More

Baptismal Identity by Jeff Vanderstelt: Watch Now

Topical Memory System: Learn More

Simple Bible Study Methods

Bible Studies Handbook: Learn More

A Study Guide to Counterfeit Gods: Learn More

BLESS Plan and FRANC List

You can download the BLESS and FRANC plans and lists here!

Learn More



Disciple Maker