Living The Called Life
As believers, we may think that living out God’s calling on our lives means that we need to become full time pastors or missionaries. While it may mean that for some, for the majority of Jesus’ followers it means we will serve him where we live, learn, work, and play.
In Ephesians, we learn that we are God’s handiwork, his masterpiece, created in Christ to do good works. God has uniquely wired each of us to serve in ways he has already set out for us. God has given each of us talents, strengths, and passions, and he desires to use those to further his kingdom. In essence, we get to experience increasing joy as we partner with him to do those good works that bring him glory and advance his kingdom.
The task of determining where God has called each of us to serve can be daunting. How do we determine where God desires to use our gifts and strengths? In “Living the Called Life,” we will walk through practical steps to determine what areas of ministry God might be calling you into. We will look at how God has wired you in terms of your spiritual gifts, your strengths, and your passions and help you take the next step in living out God’s calling for you in this season of your life.
Future Courses and Opportunities
Living the Called Life course is best utilized in Small Groups and Workshop settings -- please contact [email protected] if interested in joining the next class or bringing your small group through the course.
For further questions please contact Laurie Carlson at: [email protected]